Festival of Learning 2024

Decorative image - shows text Festival of Learning with an image of a brain
Jan. 31, 9:00a-2:30p @ MIT Stata Center
MIT Campus
Festival of Learning
MIT Community

This event is in the past. Read about 2024 Festival of Learning key takeaways here.

Welcome & Opening Remarks [video]

Chris Capozzola (Open Learning / History)

Supporting Learners through Technology and Course Iteration: A Panel Discussion with MIT Faculty and Instructors [video]

Speakers: Takako Aikawa (Global Languages), Ana Bell (EECS), Jesse Thaler (Physics), Melissa Webster (Management), and moderator Chris Capozzola (Open Learning / History)
- Examples and stories of generative AI in classrooms at MIT
- Positive impacts and challenge with using tools
- Course iteration to support student learners

Generative AI in School and Work: A Panel Discussion with MIT Students & Alumni [video]

The Festival of Learning is a yearly free event for MIT faculty, teaching assistants, students, and staff to engage with each other regarding innovation in teaching and learning. The Festival is co-sponsored by MIT Open Learning and the Office of the Vice Chancellor. Questions or requests for accommodations? festival-learning@mit.edu


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